43 Dirty Facts You’re Dying to Know but Are Too Afraid to Ask

Nature really has thought of everything.

Now, none of us want to ask or imagine why Japanese researchers were ripping the penises off of earwigs. Maybe earwigs are some kind of national scapegoat, or maybe they just had a personal beef with these particular earwigs. Either way, it ended up not mattering, because earwigs have a contingency plan for this. I guess maybe they go through a lot of really contentious divorces.

There’s a reason we evolved to create plastic.



Orangutans make due with what they have. Luckily, humans don’t have to craft sex toys out of splintery wood, this is just one of the many miracles of modern science. And it’s probably the most obvious thing that separates us from animals. But honestly, watch out for the day they start to making better dildos. Because that, friends, is the day we need to call Mark Wahlberg.