These Hilarious GIFs All End in a Perfect Plot Twist


Life does not always play out how you think it will. From time to time, you enter a scenario completely expecting one thing to occur but are satisfied with an entirely different outcome. If you are fortunate, things will turn out better than you anticipated: Rather than rain, you are met with sun. Rather than an angry boss, you receive a promotion. However, other instances, the reverse occurs: Rather than a test, you receive a bill. (Trust me, I have been there.)

If your life was nothing but dreadful surprises recently, the subsequent 30 GIFs and photographs will make you sigh with relief and also realize maybe the fate of this world is not so bad after all. But bear this in mind whilst searching: While it can look like the obvious outcome is unavoidable, prepare yourself to be surprised.

This edge-of-your-seat struggle

This movie has as many twists and turns as a Hollywood blockbuster.
It does go to show where perseverance and believing in yourself can catch you.

This straight-up baller

I’ve not been as slick as this child, and I am likely 3 times his age.

But I can remember this the next time my buddies are working to push my thoughts into a giant cake.