Women Are ALL About This Viral Post Calling Out H&M’s Absurd Clothing Sizes

Lowri and Ruth are hardly alone, as the support for her message clearly conveys.


As long as body image issues prevail — and they’re not going away anytime soon, sadly — it’s not too much to ask that a woman be forced to guess where she stands in different stores’ hierarchy of sizes and fits.

Men are expressing their support of the proposed changes as well.


Though it’s not spoken about as much, the differences are pervasive in men’s clothing as well; they’re just not as vocal about the issue. That’s probably due to the fact that they don’t feel beholden to the same body image paradigms that women do.

With men and women both feeling the pain of this struggle, however slight some people may feel it is, change is hopefully imminent.


As long as people continue to share their stories and complaints, especially the personal ones, the message will keep getting out there. It’s just up to the powers that be to listen to them.

Source : twentytwowords

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