12 Bizarre Things You Need to Know About China

A pedestrian crossing with automatic turn gates to prevent people crossing the road when the red light shows.

  • No one in China leaves tips. Ever. Not in taxis, nor restaurants, nor hotels. It’s not considered acceptable. Even if you really like the service, you’ll not succeed in leaving extra money even on the fifth or sixth attempt.
  • If you’re invited to lunch or dinner by Chinese people, they’ll almost certainly pay for your meal, and this works the other way around as well. That is, they expect you to pay if you invite them out. And since people in China eat at set times, the chances of finding a place to eat outside of the usual timetable are low.
  • Be prepared for absolutely no one to speak English. No one. Not even in hotels. And don’t bother wasting your money on Chinese phrase books. Unless you can somehow miraculously learn their tones, you’ll not be able to say anything intelligible. It’s best to focus on memorizing a few basic characters (about food, for example). Also, download an app that can translate things into Chinese for you.