20 Of The Strangest And Funniest Clothing Fashions

Yellow Wigs & Dr-Seuss-Like Clothing

Japan comes up with some crazy stuff all year round, but with Tokyo’s fashion week, they were really letting their novelty-freak-flag fly with these crazy outfits and yellow wigs that look like they came out of a Dr. Seuss book—a bit of homage to “Cat in the Hat” and its characters “Thing 1 and Thing 2,” perhaps?

White Suit With Long Veil Train

Of all the strange fashions that come off the runways, this outfit is probably the least strange – except what’s the deal with attaching a veil to an otherwise snazzy white suit? It could be they were going for gender-bending wedding chic—mixing the “masculine” suit with the “feminine” veil. That’s right, Fashion World, keep us guessing.