If Your Child Sits in This Position, Stop Them Immediately

Everything in moderation.


The other side of this is that it’s not good to spend too much time doing any one thing.

Children need to learn how to read, write and draw. They need to learn how to interact with other children and play nicely. They need to be active and to work off all their energy.

Is there anything that you wish your parents had made you learn when you were young?


When children are young and learning, it’s the perfect time for them to learn new skills and hobbies.

Whether it is learning a new language, playing an instrument, or taking up a sport, this is the time for children to start to really develop skills that will become invaluable later in life.

Old habits die hard.

Childhood is also the time wherein we develop a lot of the habits that will stay with us throughout our lives.

There can be a lot for a parent to look out for: biting nails, dragging feet, eating hair, picking noses, and cracking knuckles. There’s always something, so it’s no wonder that some things slip through the cracks.