10 Historic Facts That Show Unexpected Sides of the Past

6. Unusual first cars

Amphibious steam-powered carriage by American inventor Oliver Evans, 1798.

The first car patent in the U.S. was given in 1789. It was a steam machine with paddles so it could move not only on the land but also in the water. In the first half of the 18th century, electric cars appeared. French electric car La Jamais Contente moved at 100 km per hour which was the record speed back then.

In 1870, in Vienna, inventor Siegfried Marcus put an internal combustion engine in a regular carriage. It was the first gas car in the world. In the beginning of the 20th century, internal combustion engines replaced electric engines completely so they were forgotten for almost a century.

La Jamais Contente (English: The Never Satisfied) was the first road vehicle to go over 100 kilometers per hour (62 mph)


Another funny thing is the Kégresse track system that was the base of the car/sleigh on Nicolas II, 1917.