In Harry’s third year, he joins a number of teachers, including Professor Dumbledore, for Christmas dinner. When Professor Trelawney finds them, Dumbledore invites her to join.
But she refuses, because when 13 sit at the dinner table, the first to rise is the first to die.
Ron was eating at the table with his rat, Scabbers, who we would later learn was actually an animnagus’d Peter Pettigrew. So when Dumbledore rose from the table, well, he really was the first of that group to die.

Early in Order of the Phoenix, Harry sits in on a meeting with — you guessed it — 12 other members. The first person to get up here is again the first of the group to die: Sirius Black.

It was Halloween of their first year when Harry and Ron defeated a troll in the girl’s bathroom and saved Hermione, thereby becoming her BFFs. But what else happened in the Harry Potter-verse on Halloween?

How lovely is that? In one day, Harry lost his family, and then, exactly ten years later, he got a new family back.