via: Pinterest
Okay, so maybe this is a theory that JK Rowling herself has debunked, but it was so prevalent during the run-up to the final few books that I have chosen to accept it as fact.
So yeah. Ron used a time-turner, went back in time, and lived out his life as Dumbledore.

Via: instagram
First, when Harry sees a young Dumbledore in Chamber of Secrets, he’s described as having “auburn” (read: red) hair.
It would explain how Dumbledore knows what the hell’s going on all the time.
And when an incredibly old witch, Griselda Marchbanks, talks about giving Dumbledore his O.W.L. test, she said he “did things with a wand [she’d] never seen before.” Maybe because he learned them in the future?
Finally, Dumbledore says that when he looks in the Mirror of Erised, that he sees himself wearing a nice pair of socks. And from that point on, every Christmas, Ron is sent a pair of socks from his mother for Christmas.
Wouldn’t it be tragic and poignant for Ron to go back in time and become the wizard he so respects more than any other, and lose his entire life and friends and family in the process?