Throughout Deathly Hallows, Remus Lupin is terrified to be with his pregnant wife Tonks because of his fear that his baby will be born a werewolf. But JK Rowling’s since said that that fear was unfounded, because ol’ Teddy Tonks was born not a werewolf, but a Metamorphmagus like Tonks.
So he could change into a werewolf if he wanted to (but, like, why would he want to?)
The floating, soul-sucking Dementors were, for JK Rowling, a way to write about depression in the magical world. Makes a little more sense why chocolate lessens their effect, doesn’t it?
Originally, JK Rowling’s publisher thought her given name, Joanne, wouldn’t be appealing to boy readers, so they recommended “JK.” But Jo Rowling’s middle name doesn’t start with a “K” — she pulled the letter from her grandmother’s name, Kathleen.