43 Dirty Facts You’re Dying to Know but Are Too Afraid to Ask

Lemony fresh?


And actually, it worked remarkably well. Ammonia (which is found in pee) is a natural whitener. So the ancient Romans had sparkly white teeth. No word on how their breath smelled, though.

A life well-lived…


The antechinus is a super cute little marsupial found in Australia. Know what’s not cute, though? Dying from stress caused by sex. Apparently, their mating ritual is so wild and frenzied that the antechinus’ immune system becomes compromised. What a way to go!

What a year for humans!


Honestly, the most suprising part about this fact is that the FIRST film wasn’t porn. But of course they wasted no time in using this newfound technology for lascivious purposes. The film is called Le Coucher de la Mariée and only about two minutes of footage have survived. You can watch those two minutes here, but don’t expect to be too titilated. Erotica was different back in 1896, ya know?