If you’re someone who regularly calls yourself or a loved one a dork, now you know the dark reality of what you’re really doing. Though we can think of way worse insults, and it’s probably not even inherently a bad thing to be called a whale penis. After all, everyone loves whales, and it’s wholly a good thing that they have penises. A lot of them are endangered, so what you’re really doing is crediting someone for helping the whale population to rebound. Plus, if this all makes sense to you, you probably really are a dork.

Ben Franklin was known for many things: discovering electricity, writing an almanac, and being a sex fiend. A little surprising considering he wasn’t exactly Brad Pitt, but standards were different three hundred years ago. Back then, any man with two legs and all his teeth was considered a hunk. So a guy like Ben Franklin could do quite well, well enough to become an expert in the art of love. Something he rightly knew was something one could only master with age.